We are introducing our innovative (deep water aerator) with many novel features like increased efficiency,incresed oxygen level at bottom of pond, less energy consumption, safety of aqua culture, cost effective with improved efficiency.this product is developed by understanding the problems of farmers and doing research on those problems which resulted in this product which is first time in world.

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we are introducing our innovative (deep water aerator) with many novel features like increased efficiency,incresed oxygen level at bottom of pond, less energy consumption, safety of aqua culture, cost effective with improved efficiency.this product is developed by understanding the problems of farmers and doing research on those problems which resulted in this product which is first time in world.

DO (dissolve oxygen)-level at the surface water is comparatively high. This system taken the water from the surface of pond and delivers to the bottom along with small air bubbles.due to this flow of water in forward direction so sludge is taken to centre of pond.small bubble are produced by this device will be injected into bottom of the pond.the bubbles will have more time to dissolve in water due to flow od oxygen is from the bottom of this system do level in water increases in less time with very low electricity will also help in removing toxic gases from the water and create safe environment for aquaculture species.

DEEP WATER AERATOR- system is designed such away that no shrimp will be harmful/damage as the shrimp can not enter inside the system.aotomatic flap system is installed so during non-working condition aquaculture species can not enter inside the system.

Additional information


voltage range

frequency range

ampere range

water flow range

max of air intake

230(single phase) / 420 (three phase)


6Amp(single phase) / 1.8 Amp(three phase)

70-80 feet long

200 m3/h

230(single phase) / 420 (three phase)


11 Amp(single phase) / 3.3 Amp(three phase)

110-125 feet long

250 m3/h